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; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc.
; Factions -- Names & personalities
; formal, desc, noun, masc/fem, sing/plural, name, gender, ai-fight, ai-power,
; ai-tech, ai-wealth, ai-growth
; title, characteristic, adjective
; SPECIAL RULES, parameters, ...
; SOCIAL PRIORITY, setting, result
; formal = Formal name of colony/group
; desc = Description of basic ideology
; noun = Plural noun
; masc/fem = Is faction's noun masculine or feminine
; sing/plural = Is faction's noun singular (Labyrinth) or plural (Gaians)
; name = Name of default leader
; gender = M or F (gender of leader)
; ai-fight = -1,0,1 (willingness to use force to achieve goals)
; ai-power = 1 or 0 (interest in power)
; ai-tech = 1 or 0 (interest in knowledge)
; ai-wealth = 1 or 0 (interest in wealth)
; ai-growth = 1 or 0 (interest in population growth)
; title = leader's title
; characteristic = leader's descriptive adjective
; adjective = adjectival form of faction name (e.g. Gaian)
; TRANSLATOR NOTE: for FRENCH versions, this should
; give all four forms (ms:fs:mp:fp):
; Gaian:Gaiane:Gaians:Gaianes (or whatever it would be)
; for GERMAN it should have all six forms.
; SPECIAL RULES = rule, parameter
; TECH = Free technology at start. Parameter
; is either a tech id (e.g. "Cen") to
; indicate a specific technology, or a
; number (e.g. 2) to indicate a number
; of player-selected technologies.
; MORALE = Morale modifier (if 0, indicates an
; exemption from negative modifiers from
; other sources).
; PSI = Percentage combat bonus for PSI Combat.
; FACILITY = Every new base gets this free facility.
; Param indicates facility (e.g. "4" is
; a Perimeter Defense) from the facilities
; list. Do NOT attempt to give satellites
; and secret projects this way.
; RESEARCH = Free research points per base per turn.
; DRONE = Extra drone at base (per "param"
; citizens, rounded down)
; TALENT = Extra talent at base (per "param"
; citizens, rounded up)
; ENERGY = Free energy reserves at start
; INTEREST = Energy reserves interest.
; Non-zero = constant percentage per turn (including negative)
; Zero = +1/base each turn
; COMMERCE = Increased commerce rate
; POPULATION = # to be added to population limit of
; each base for purposes of Habitation
; domes, etc.
; HURRY = Percentage change in costs of "Hurry"
; button on construction (e.g. 125 means
; 125% of normal cost, so 100 costs 125).
; UNIT = Extra free unit at start; param is
; index from units list (e.g. 0 equals
; Colonists, 1 Terraformers, 2 Scout
; Crawler)
; TECHCOST = Modifier % for tech research rate.
; (e.g. 125 means each discovery costs
; 125% the usual number of research
; points).
; SHARETECH = Gain any technology known to # other players
; TERRAFORM = Halves terraform raise/lower cost
; SOCIAL = Gives a modifier in the named social effect category
; ("SOCIAL, +EFFIC" raises the EFFIC rating by 1;
; "SOCIAL, --POLICE" lowers POLICE rating by 2);
; ROBUST = Halves the intensity of minus effects in the named
; social area ("ROBUST, EFFIC" halves minus efficiency
; effects in social model).
; IMMUNITY = Immunity from minus effects in the named social
; area. ("IMMUNITY, ENERGY" prevents minus energy
; effects in social model).
; IMPUNITY = Impunity :-) from minus effects from a particular
; social setting. "IMPUNITY, Police State" prevents
; all - effects from "Police State" setting.
; PENALTY = Opposite of impunity: doubles the negative effects
; of a particular setting.
; FUNGNUTRIENT= Modifier to NUTRIENT produced in fungus squares
; FUNGMINERALS= Modifier to MINERALS produced in fungus squares
; FUNGENERGY = Modifier to ENERGY produced in fungus squares
; COMMFREQ = Gets an extra comm frequency (another faction to
; talk to) at beginning of game. (Parameter is ignored)
; MINDCONTROL = Vehicles and bases immune to mind control
; FANATIC = +25% bonus on attack
; VOTES = Multiplier for governor votes
; FREEPROTO = Prototype cost reduced to zero for this faction
; Drawn from the political table above (see #SOCIO), these entries
; must exactly match the SOCIO entries in spelling. These determine
; the leader's social priorities.
## [Together we shall both] preserve Planet's native life [and ...]
## [My intent is] to guard, understand, and preserve Planet's native life
## [She is bent on] stamping out all legitimate human development of this planet
## [You seem bent on] stamping out all legitimate human development of this planet
## [I shall not stand here while you] cripple any and all efforts toward human progress on this world
## [She spends her time] dancing naked through the trees
## [You spend your time] dancing naked through the trees
## [I have been accused of] spouting tree-crazy prattle
## [Your] tree-crazy prattle [does not impress me]
## [Think how this could benefit your] environmental initiatives
## [I trust your] pagan rituals [are proceeding to your satisfaction]
## [It is customary to remit me a small] ecology tax [...]
## [...for the services my forces provide in] preserving and cataloguing Planet's native life
## [I shall instruct] my Environmental Police [to see that no such...]
## [You are in contravention of] the Planetary Ecology Code
Les filles de Ga<47>a, Les Verts, Ga<47>ens, F, 2, Deirdre, F, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
Economie, Vert, PLANETE
nil, nil, nil
Faction Ga<47>enne
Lindly, Scott, Le Repos de Lindly
Lady, belle, dingue des arbres, sensible <20> l'<27>cologie, <20>colo,
Folle de nature
prot<6F>ger toute forme de vie sur la Plan<61>te
d<>fendre, comprendre et prot<6F>ger toute forme de vie sur la Plan<61>te
jugulant tout d<>veloppement sensible l<>gitime sur cette plan<61>te
jugulant tout d<>veloppement sensible l<>gitime sur cette plan<61>te
enrayer tout effort du progr<67>s humain sur ce monde
dansant nu:nue:nus:nues au milieu des arbres
dansant nu:nue:nus:nues au milieu des arbres
papotant sur les arbres
bavardage insens<6E> sur les arbres, M1
initiatives en mati<74>re d'environnement, F2
rites pa<70>ens, M2
imp<6D>t <20>cologique, M1
prot<6F>ger et cataloguer toute forme de vie sur la Plan<61>te
ma police <20>cologique
le Code <20>cologique plan<61>taire
Domaine de Gaia, M1
Jardin sur<75>lev<65> de Gaia, M1
For<EFBFBD>t primitive, F1
Enfants de la Terre, M2
Vallon des vents, M1
Col du ver t<>l<EFBFBD>pathe, M1
Palais des racines, M1
Portes de la serre, F2
For<EFBFBD>t du bec crochu, F1
Derni<EFBFBD>re rose d'<27>t<EFBFBD>, F1
Automne heureux, M1
R<EFBFBD>ves de verdure, M2
Pins, M2
Pointe des p<>turages, F1
Chant de Plan<61>te, M1
Brillante Nessus, F1
Parc de l'oiseau, M1
Ere de jach<63>re, F1
Bocage d'automne, M1
Pr<EFBFBD>che des fleurs, M1
Ch<EFBFBD>ne resplendissant, M1
Muguet, M1
Sol vierge, M1
Jardin du Paradis, M1
Vigne <20>pineuse, F1
R<EFBFBD>serve de Chiron, F1
M<EFBFBD>moire de Terre, F1
Jardin des profondeurs, M1
P<EFBFBD>che de Deirdre, F1
Jardin aquatique, M1
Fleur d'oc<6F>an, F1
Cascade, F1
Grand lagon, M1
Berceau marin, M1
Jardin des poissons, M1
Sur les terres du Domaine de Gaia, nous avons une magnifique pin<69>de blanche,
plant<EFBFBD>e <20> l'<27>poque des premi<6D>res colonies. Elle repr<70>sente notre promesse faite
au peuple et <20> la Plan<61>te elle-m<>me, de ne plus r<>p<EFBFBD>ter la trag<61>die de la Terre.
^ -- Lady Deirdre Skye,
^ "R<>ves de Plan<61>te"
^DIRIGEANT : {Deirdre Skye}
^CURRICULUM : {Ecosse libre, Unit<69> X<>nobiologiste}
^ORDRE DU JOUR : {D<>mocratie <20>cologique}
^TECH : {Ecologie centaurienne}
^+1 PLANETE : {Mesures <20>cologiques pr<70>ventives ; peut capturer les vers t<>l<EFBFBD>pathes}
^+2 EFFICACIT<49> : {Exp<78>rimentation de syst<73>mes de vie et du recyclage}
^-1 MORAL : {Tendances pacifistes}
^-1 POLICE : {Amour de la libert<72>}
^+1 Nutriment dans les cases de fongus
^{Ne peut pas utiliser l'<27>conomie de march<63>.}
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Cette destruction insens<6E>e va s<>rement provoquer des d<>g<EFBFBD>ts irr<72>parables
sur l'<27>cosyst<73>me de la Plan<61>te. Je vous supplie d'oublier nos diff<66>rences
et de conclure une Tr<54>ve de sang"
"Bien dit. Cette violence doit prendre fin."
"Ah ! Vos rochers et vos plantes ne pourront vous sauver, maintenant, $NAME3 !"
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"J'ai le sentiment que vous <20>tes un ami de Plan<61>te, $TITLE0 $NAME1. Je vous
sugg<EFBFBD>re de signer un Trait<69> d'amiti<74>, pour que nos peuples puissent vivre
c<EFBFBD>te <20> c<>te dans la paix".
"D'accord. signons un accord avec Plan<61>te, $NAME3."
"Non. Cette id<69>e d'ami de Plan<61>te me donne des angoisses".
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